Hot launches its land-line service in Israel today using the nation wide prefix 077.
Initialy the product will be available only to customers in the Sharon region and the supported areas will increase with time, Hot is obligated to provide nation-wide support within 3 years.
Customer who wish to join are currently being forwarded to the Hot business customer care at *6939
The service cost is 140 NIS for non Hot customers and the estimated pricing for Hot customers, depending on various variables, is:
Customer with above 350 NIS in Hot services: 20 NIS
Customer with above 250 NIS in Hot services: 50 NIS
Customer with above 200 NIS in Hot services: 70 NIS
Customer with under 199 NIS in Hot services: 90 NIS
All packages are for 2000 minutes Hot/Bezeq talk time
Initial installation for Hot customers is 99 NIS, for non-Hot customers 150 NIS
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