Speaking at Microsoft's annual IT Forum in Copenhagen on the 18/11/2004 Bill Gates announced that Smart cards and 64-bit computing are the future of IT.
Among other news and interpetations of this news the most significant is the movment towards a password free world which will be replaced with other various means of identification such as smart cards, finger recognition and biometric means.
IBM has recently released the first fully integrated biometric ThinkPad (notebook pc) offering high grade security by utilizing hardware and software based integration for a higher security level.
The new system has already won many praises from key market and security figures.
The fingerprint reader is built into select models of the ThinkPad T42. With the new reader, located on the wrist rest below the arrow keys, users swipe their finger across a small horizontally oriented sensor to log-on to their systems, software applications, web sites, or databases. The scanning process takes only seconds, combining convenience with the strongest notebook security available as a standard feature. This type of fingerprint reader captures more data than a traditional "picture" capture window because it scans more of the fingertip's surface area, helping to prevent misidentification.
Prices for ThinkPad T42 models with a fingerprint reader start at $1,699.
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